Architectural Design Options
Our architects and designers offer the most popular and diverse selection of architectural styles in Australia providing a wide range of architectural plans to accommodate any preference or budget.
Whether you’re looking for a cozy country home plan, traditional classics or luxurious homes, you’ll find a comprehensive selection of just about every architectural style available around the globe.
If you haven’t decided on a style, need help narrowing down your selections, or would like suggestions based on your home blueprint criteria. We’d be happy to help you find the house plan that fits your lifestyle and budget.
We pay attention to your requirements with solutions.
Trust in every detail. To ensure the best outcome for your project, you need people who know what they’re doing—every step of the way.
Our experienced construction consultant professionals provide effective leadership, sharp attention to detail and a valued partnership you can count on throughout the life of your project.
With a NO RUSH service ensuring your project meets all your intended requirements.
Nice Design Construction Contrators adhere to all local laws and regulations.
A building code (also building control or building regulations) is a set of rules that specify the standards for constructed objects such as buildings and nonbuilding structures. Buildings must conform to the code to obtain planning permission, usually from a local council. The main purpose of building codes is to protect public health, safety and general welfare as they relate to the construction and occupancy of buildings and structures. The building code becomes law of a particular jurisdiction when formally enacted by the appropriate governmental or private authority.
Building codes are generally intended to be applied by architects, engineers, interior designers, constructors and regulators but are also used for various purposes by safety inspectors, environmental scientists, real estate developers, subcontractors, manufacturers of building products and materials, insurance companies, facility managers, tenants, and others. Codes regulate the design and construction of structures where adopted into law.
Build it right the first time!
We provide our expertise to develop conceptual as well as actual budgets based on the developed plans. We work with Architects and Engineers to develop the plans from conceptual to final stages and we engage in Value engineering with those professionals.
When needed we also develop the process of qualifying and hiring of the various trades, develop scope of works related to each trade and make recommendations for final selections
Nice Design Construction Planing Best Practices
Good plans, and any drawings or specifications, are key to your build. They are part of your building consent application. You need someone who knows the Building Act and can design to the current Building Code.
In most cases the design of the structure and weathertightness of your home must be carried out or supervised by a designer who is a licensed builder. Fire safety design in small to medium-sized apartment buildings (including townhouses) also requires an LB.
Your designs prove to the council how your proposed building will comply with the Building Code. The builder builds to the plans, and everyone who works on your build should also follow them.
At the end of the job, the council checks the work has been done to the consented plans. The plans provide a record of the completed building work, for you and any future owners of the building.
Well planned renovations are the key to success!
One of our design consultants will work with you to provide complete renovation design ideas and services, including the specification of all finishes.
We will take your project from preliminary ideas to detailed plans and tangible results. We do all this work with a pre-established budget range and work diligently to stay within those financial boundaries.
We are also very familiar with the challenges associated with living through an extended remodeling project. To minimize the disruption to your daily life, we create a critical timeline that we use to drive your project toward a successful and timely completion.
Have an idea, a dream? We can make it happen. Join our family, we offer free consultation to achieve your goals with creativity and quality that you deserve.